Students are responsible for securing their own airfare and ground transportation to London and home from Dublin. This allows flexibility in payment methods and schedule. For example, some students may use airline points and others may choose to stay in Europe upon completion of the course. Budget student travel sites may provide cheaper options for airfare, but sometimes at the expense of time (i.e., multiple layovers). Students should not purchase airfare until they have received OIE confirmation that they have been accepted into the program. Students needing a visa to enter the UK and EU should consider purchasing a refundable ticket.
Students will live in hostel accommodations during the abroad program. Hostel accommodations are provided starting the night of Sunday, May 25 in London through the morning of Friday, June 20 in Dublin.
No housing is provided by the program during the pre-departure classes in Atlanta; students are encouraged to stay with family and friends in the Atlanta area. If you require pre-departure housing in Atlanta and would like to be put in touch with other students to split the cost, you can notify the instructor for guidance.
Students will be given a pre-paid, daily use Tube/Metro pass for London for the activities planned. The tube pass allows access to all tube lines and bus routes in Central London (Zones 1 and 2). Students are responsible for these passes and no replacements will be given if it is lost or stolen. Edinburgh and Dublin are extremely walkable and transportation will be provided to sites as needed.
Students are responsible for all meals.
Students traveling on a US passport do not need a visa to enter the UK or EU. Non-US students are responsible for securing their own UK/EU visa, if required. Students needing a visa to enter the UK/EU should consider purchasing a refundable airfare or waiting until the visa is approved to purchase flights.
Georgia Tech reserves the right to alter (including a change to program fees) or cancel this program due to low enrollment, unavailability of a professor to teach planned course, or other unforeseen circumstances. If Georgia Tech cancels the entire program before departure or while the program is in progress for reasons beyond our control, such as political unrest or danger to participants’ safety, only those fees that Georgia Tech is able to have refunded by service providers will be returned to participants.
Students who drop out or are deemed ineligible by the Dean of Students after they have paid their deposit will still be responsible for the remaining program fee balance. The balance will be billed to the student account in early summer. Students who cancel before January 15, 2025 will have their $500 deposit returned.